Membership Spotlight: Circle of Care

Circle of Care is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing services to children, youth and families who foster stable futures. This nonprofit organization is the number one private provider of foster care in Oklahoma, working every day throughout the state to recruit, train and support foster families. Circle of Care also offers prevention, restoration and intervention programs for single mothers, parents working toward reunification with their children and young adults. Circle of Care even offers counseling services to their clients, as well as the community.

Tasha Atcity has been involved with Circle of Care since 2010. Atcity first had the privilege of being a client to Circle of Care in the Preparation for Adult Living (PAL) program in Tahlequah from 2010 to 2015. By 2016, Atcity transitioned into a staff position and has been working with Circle of Care ever since; only taking a year off for school.

For Atcity, the most impactful part of working with Circle of Care is hearing their clients’ stories. She works primarily with donors, so she does not have the opportunity to work directly with Circle of Care’s wonderful clients very often. However, Atcity does get to gather their success stories from the other staff members. Atcity describes seeing the impact from Circle of Care as a wonderful gift. Their work and programs have made life-changing impacts across the state.

Circle of Care is looking forward to their first event on Saturday, March 11 at the Tahlequah Armory. This event is a great opportunity to get to know the many different ways Circle of Care is impacting the Tahlequah area community, discover ways you can support us, how to get involved and support the children and families in Tahlequah. Circle of Care would love for anyone to come and get involved in their nonprofit organization. Circle of Care is also especially excited about their annual Friends of Children Banquet. This banquet is traditionally held in Oklahoma City, but will be coming to different cities across Oklahoma this year.

Circle of Care strives to stay involved in the community and leave a positive lasting impression on those they come in contact with. Not only is their foster care program continually providing homes for children in need in the Tahlequah area community, but they are also using their PAL program to help young people finish their education and gain employment. Circle of Care’s counseling services are even available to anyone within a 75-mile radius in need of mental health services and assistance.